File #: 14-292    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 9/24/2014 In control: Borough Assembly
On agenda: 10/6/2014 Final action: 10/6/2014
Title: Amendments to Community Capital Projects Needs List and Establishment of Priorities for 2016 Borough departments, as well as the School and Hospital, have reviewed the 2015 Capital Needs List and have provided updates to the list. The Assembly was asked to review the list and determine if any changes should be made to the top 10 to 12 projects for FY 2016.
Indexes: Capital Projects Needs
Attachments: 1. Amended 2015 CIP List.pdf
Amendments to Community Capital Projects Needs List and Establishment of Priorities for 2016
Borough departments, as well as the School and Hospital, have reviewed the 2015 Capital Needs List and have provided updates to the list.    The Assembly was asked to review the list and determine if any changes should be made to the top 10 to 12 projects for FY 2016.