Recommendations to Issue a Request for Proposals for Engineering and Design Services for Development of a Small Vessel Haul-Out at Scow Bay Turnaround
In 2011, the Planning & Zoning Commission, Harbor Advisory Board and City Council approved a conceptual design for a small vessel haul-out including a wash-down pad and filtration system at the Scow Bay Turnaround property. Up until June 2013, the Scow Bay property was owned by the State of Alaska. Now that the Borough has acquired the property, the Petersburg Economic Development Council, with support of the Harbors and Port Advisory Board, has recommended that the Borough move forward in soliciting an RFP for engineering and design for the development of the property. PEDC would fund the design phase of the project. Since this is a significant community investment, PEDC would like concurrence from the Assembly to move forward with the RFP process.